Are you a PORN surfer Looking for the free porn and made it to this page accidently?
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I am ready to submit my site... whats next? First read the RULES below... |
YOU WONT GET LISTED IF: No Warning Page No Recip Link Illegal Content (beastiality, child porn, scat, non licenced pics) Too many outgoing links per page Misleading Enter links, or Blind Links Consoles, pop up ads, enter/exit pops Full page ads before galleries or main page Content on your site is not on the same URL you submited The content your using is the same I have seen over and over (sponsor content) Cookie Cutter Sites & auto submitted If your site scrolls right (make site to fit 800x600 resolution) |
1: No Sites on a Free Hosts (of any kind) Accepted 2: Your site must consist of the following: A warning page, minimum of 20 easy to locate free pictures, my recip link. Basically this means your site must be at least 3 pages long. I don't accept one page thumbnail galleries.
Reasons why your site WONT get listed:--------------->>
I reserve the right to delete any site after it gets listed if any of the above rules have been broken. I DO manually go thru my links on a regular basis and I run a Link Bot weekly. Any sites re-directing will be deleted and banned without notice. |
YOU WILL GET LISTED IF: Clean Site - no consoles, no illegal content, no free host You have a minimum of 20 easy to locate free pics You have a minimum of 2 galleries (10 pics each min) You have no more than 3 outgoing links per page - this means to sponsors, your hubs, your friends pages etc. The warning page must have no misleading "enter" links Not a cookie-cutter Not auto-submitted Content is fresh (sick of sponsor content) I like your Site |